Case studies

Review of business processes and a continuous improvement approach – Optimum Canada
The management of OPTIMUM CANADA wanted to use the services of PROGIMA in order to improve its overall competitiveness by carrying out the following projects: analysis and development of a new vision of its business processes and management tools, coaching its production managers in active supervision, implementation of standard agendas to free up key resources for improvement projects, and development of several improvement projects.
+ 15%
Efficiency on the factory
+ 15%
Use of machinery
- 50%
Production time
Founded in 1994 by Érick Péloquin, OPTIMUM CANADA is expanding and evolving with technology. By meeting the needs of the machining industry of all kinds and proposing solutions adapted to their needs, our expertise enables us to offer the most appropriate customized solution for the choice of cutting tools.
Situated in Mercier, Quebec, Optimum-Canada is strategically located and accessible to efficiently serve all of Quebec, Canada and the United States.
« The project carried out by the Progima Group was characterized by a rigorous close collaboration with our teams, who were hyper motivated by this challenge of change. A new vision of our business processes is now being deployed, roles are being mastered and we are more efficient. A Phase II begins just now, the wind is in the sails»
Vincent Lemoine, Director General